Since time immemorial, every Kabbalist has brought blessings to the world in their own way.
The Rav and Karen exemplified this with their commitment to help millions of souls transform.
Their tireless efforts have spread Kabbalistic wisdom, empowering individuals worldwide to fulfill their potential.
Kabbalah teaches that connecting to righteous souls taps into their unique gifts. By appreciating the Rav and Karen’s legacy, we ignite our desire to deepen our commitment and draw strength to expand our impact. Connecting physically to their souls enhances our access to their energy, unconditionally.
Our new project aims to create that physical connection through a three-dimensional art installation by acclaimed artist, Ghiora Aharoni, appropriately dubbed, The Vessel.
Honed from a single piece of aluminum, The Vessel will be an enlarged replica of a palm-sized rock from the Dead Sea containing a raw sapphire stone.
Permanently placed at the Rav and Karen’s tomb, it will be approximately one meter wide, and symbolizes the joining of humanity and divinity through the melding of the elemental form of rock with the celestial and transcendent qualities of the sapphire.
A phrase found throughout the Zohar and that comes from the Book of Daniel will be incised around the exterior of The Vessel and will read:
"Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever…"